Resources, Supports and Services
On this page you can find supports and services that are available to you to support your mental health and wellbeing.
If you are experiencing distress or are worried about someone else please contact your GP, your Emergency Department or call the Samaritans
for support on: Freephone: 116 123 | Email: jo@samaritans.ie
Other Supports and Services
Your General Practitioner (GP)
Your GP can offer a range of supports to support your health and wellbeing. They can also refer you to specialist services if needed.
Visit: www2.hse.ie/services/find-a-gp to find your local GP
Your HSE Public Health Nurse (PHN)
The Public Health Nurse (PHN) will visit within 72 hours of discharge from Hospital following the birth of your baby to assess mothers wellbeing, providing supportand advice on feeding baby including Breast feeding, sleep, safety and all baby and mother care. They also provide child development assessments, healthpromotion and parenting information.
Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Services (SPMHS)
This service provides assessment and treatment to pregnant women and women with a baby up to a year old, who have a pre-existing or new mental health problem. They provide multidisciplinary support for those experiencing moderate or severe mental illness. Your Obstetrician, midwife or GP can refer you. For more information visit: www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/4/mental-health-services/specialist-perinatal-mental-health/
Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy
To find a qualified clinical/counselling psychologist in your local area visit: www.psychologicalsociety.ieTo find a qualified counsellor or psychotherapist in your local area visit: www.iacp.ie
HSE Primary Care Psychology Services
Provides support to people across the lifespan experiencing mild to moderate psychological difficulties.
For more information please go to:
Offers childbirth education, postnatal support, breastfeeding support and localmeets and events.Email: info@cuidiu.ie | Web: www.cuidiu.ie
Perinatal Mental Health Midwife
Perinatal mental health midwives are available in all maternity units/hospitals.They are specialist midwives working as part of the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service. They can offer mental health assessment and support for mild to moderate mental health problems. They also work with your GP and local Liaison and Community Mental Health Service as necessary.
Family Resource Centres
Family Resource Centres [FRCs] provide a community based model of family support. Find a list of Centres here: https://www.familyresource.ie/
Primary Care Physiotherapy
You can access Physiotherapy services by referral from your hospital maternityteam, GP, Public Health Nurse or other healthcare professional.
Women’s Aid
Offers confidential information, support, and understanding to women in the Republicof Ireland who are being abused by current or former boyfriends, partners, or husbands. 24 hour helpline: 1800 341900 | Web: www.womensaid.ie
Parentline is a national, confidential helpline that offers parents support, informationand guidance on all aspects of being a parent and any parenting issues.Phone: 01 873 3500 or 1890 927277 | Web: www.parentline.ie
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists
Visit: www.askthephysio.ie for information on physical health and to find a Chartered Physiotherapist in Women’s Health.
One Family
Provides support and information for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and for those separating.Phone: 01 6629212 | Email: info@onefamily.ie,Ask One Family lo-call helpline: 0818 662212 | Web: www.onefamily.ie
Postnatal Depression Ireland
Provides support, help and friendship to those suffering from the effectsof Post Natal Depression.Phone: 021 4922083 Email: support@pnd.ie | Web: www.pnd.ie
HSE Online Breastfeeding Supports
Advice and support on starting breastfeeding, hygiene tips and common breastfeeding questions answered.Web: www2.hse.ie/babies-children/breastfeeding/
Pregnancy & Infant Loss Ireland
Is a website that provides information on pregnancy and infant loss, and bereavement supports available across Ireland. For information on bereavement supports available in your maternity hospital visit
www.pregnancyandinfantloss.ie/bereavement-teamsFor information on other bereavement, supports and services available in the community please visit
Drug and alcohol information and support.Helpline: 1800 459459
Your guide to pregnancy, baby and toddler health. Trusted information from experts» Health services and support.
Web: www.mychild.ie